Our Consulting and Services

Successful, Ethical, and Globally Recognized Web Strategy Solutions

Our Core Mission:

We are an internet marketing, online public relations, and web strategy company. We specialize in using web technologies like business blogs and social media to reach customers, build conversations and grow communities online.

Our mission is to make the world a better place leveraging the technologies of web 2.0, blogging, interactive marketing, and the social web.

We want to meet your internet and marketing needs in a friendly, economic, and strategic way. We help clear the clutter and information overload to provide you and your organization with strategic and ethical online communication solutions.

Its that simple.

If you have web strategy or marketing needs, if you want more engaged customers, or if you just would like to know what Web 2.0 is how you can leverage Web 2.0 technologies strategically and economically for your business needs, please contact us at (615) 974-9662 for your free 30 minute consultation.

If you would like to know why we think we offer a unique and superior web 2.0 branding and strategy solution, check out “12 Reasons Why We Think You Should Choose Us for Your Social Media and Corporate Blog Consulting Needs.”

What Sets Us Apart:

We specialize in web content creation, strategy, training, and consulting including:

Strategic Blog Marketing, Customer Branding, and Conversation Solutions:

    • One on one corporate blog, social networking, and Web 2.0 training via Skype or phone.
    • Online brand reputation management.
    • Productive blogging and social media training. Utilizing your mobile device to help blogging fit seamlessly into your day.
    • WordPress blog creation, maintaining, and marketing.
    • Create innovative blog content and posts that get traffic.
    • Targeted and engaging web content based on marketing data.
    • Edit your content and provide productive direction to internet content creation.
    • Professional, targeted, and relevant research for community centric content creation.

Search Engine Marketing and Optimization Solutions:

• Create a targeted keywords list for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes.
• Link building services for search engine optimization (SEO).
• Create social media and social bookmarking profiles for engaged conversations and social media optimization (SMO).
• Online media relations and social media news release creation.

Web Strategy, Social Media, and Marketing Solutions:

• Targeted market research of online competitors and of key media marketing outlets.
• Create and manage pay per click advertising (PPC) campaigns for targeted keywords, so that you get targeted traffic.
• Create compelling and click worthy copy for pay per click (PPC) campaigns.
• Social bookmarking and successful marketing solutions including Stumbleupon, Digg, Mixx, and other niche social news sites.
• Create and implement a comprehensive web strategy.
• Creating an online community around your brand.

Our Clients:
Our clients are growing and currently include a DC based technology consulting firm, a web marketing firm, a real estate consultant, a wellness doctor and chiropractor, and a top ranked search engine optimization firm. We have very reasonable rates and can tailor a winning strategy for you and your organization. We look forward to working with you.

Providing Comprehensive Web Solutions:
If you have any questions about leveraging business blogging, web 2.0 technologies like social networking, and search engine optimization for your business, please contact us at (615) 974-9662 for your free, no obligation twenty minute consultation.

We look forward to speaking with you and listening to your unique needs. We want to help create solutions for you and your unique web communication needs.